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Organization Lifestyle Services

Welcome to our organization lifestyle service where we express our specialty in organizing home and office spaces while encouraging our clients to make room for fresh lifestyle. Simply check our selected services below and view what we offer.

Holding a Flower

Bloom Package

 1 Day VIP Decluttering and Organizing Session

This is a tailor made package designed for clients who desires to receive a personal assistance in decluttering and organizing a room space, ensuring their space reflects the lifestyle that they desire to have in life.


Package Offer:

- Unlimited 1 on 1 Virtual Consultations

- Vision Board

- Home Tour & Review current organization systems

- Strategy and preparation session

- Floor and Elevation Plan

-Shopping List

- Decluttering and Organizing your room

- Light Decoration to beautify the space

- Tailored Make Room Booklet of Instructions and Advice for Client




Decorative Books

Life and Order

1 Day Organizing Session

This package is specifically for those who desire to only organize their room(s). Receiving organizational service that can turn the client's room into a well balanced space.


Package Offer:

- Up to 2 '1 on 1 Virtual Consultations'

- Vision Board

- Home Tour & Review current organization systems

- Strategy and preparation session

- Floor and Elevation Plan

-Shopping List

- Organizing your room

- Tailored Make Room Booklet of Instructions and Advice for Client




** All decluttering and organizing service charges start from $35 per hour.


* If you desire to organize your space with less tasks mentioned above, we can prepare a unique and affordable quote for you!


Flourish Package

3 Day  Decluttering Intensive and Organizing Session

This package is designed for those who desires to dig a little deeper in their decluttering journey in 1-2 rooms. Encouraging the client to be consistent during the decluttering session with a clear mindset.

This is an intensive session where we assist alongside you to declutter for 2 days and Organize and refresh your space on the final day (3rd Day).


Package Offer:

-Unlimited Virtual Consultations

- Vision Board

- Home Tour & Review current organization systems

- Strategy and preparation session (virtually)

- Floor and Elevation Plan

-Shopping List

- 2 Day Decluttering Services

- 'Decluttering Your Mind' Virtual Session

-  Organizing and Refresh your room on the 3rd Day (Final Day)

- Tailored Make Room Booklet of Instructions and Advice for Client





* Also,  if you desire to declutter or organize more than one room, simply contact us and we will be able to provide a quote reasonable for you!

Have any more questions for us?

More inquiries and questions are welcome by simply clicking on the button below.

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If you desire to learn and receive more encouragement regarding decluttering and organizing with an accountable community while making room for a fresh lifestyle, simply click below to visit our community page and sign up to receive amazing encouragement and tips from us!

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